
Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Week 4, Day 3, Activity 2: Migration

On your blog, please post a picture of your hometown and provide a list of three things that tourists, like us, could do if we came to visit. What do you like most about your hometown?

My hometown is Wellington.

First you could visit Te Papa.Te Papa is the national museum and art gallery of New Zealand. There are always different exhibitions on and they have a lot of different types of collections.

Some exhibitions that they have at the moment are:

Large scale model of soldier Gallipoli: The scale of our war.
This exhibition is about the story of Gallipoli in World War 1. This picture is a picture of a large scale Model of Percival Fenwick that is at the exhibition. This exhibition is on until April 2019, it is on Level 2 and has free entry.
Lego Taj Mahal

Let's go build: A festival for LEGO lovers.
 Ryan McNaught also known as brick man and his team took 5,000 hours building the  50 Lego masterpieces display. You can build stuff  with Lego not just look. This exhibition is on until the 11th of Feb 2018, it is on level 4 and cost $19.50 for adults, $9.50 for a child (3-15 years) and family pass is $49.50. This picture is of the LEGO Taj Mahal on display in the Lego exhibition.

Related imagenext you could visit the Parliament buildings. they have free 1 hour tours everyday, every hour. There are different types of tours.

There is a Introducing Parliament tour (60minutes), you will be taken to see the banquet hall, Parliament House,debating chamber, Legislative council chamber, grand hall, Parliamentary library, walk through the galleria, select committee rooms and the base isolators.

Image result for grand hall parliament nzHighlights of Parliament tour (30 minutes) is on during school and public holidays. On this tour you will get to go to the Banquet hall, debating chamber and select committee rooms. 

Art tours (90 minutes), this tour you will be taken to different parts of the building to see different art works 

The last place you could visit is Mount Victoria lookout. It rises 196m above the city. from the top you can see views of Tinakori Hill, the Hutt Valley, Eastern harbour bays and many other places. You could relax by having a picnic and enjoying the view. It is also the best place in the city to see the sun rise ans sun set 

The thing i like about my hometown the most is that most of my mum's family is there. 


  1. Kiaora Toe'umu.

    Its really cool to see that you are from Wellington, one of my favourite cities. Such a great location to live and visit.
    You have shared a really detailed post here with lots of images to show your readers what its like there in Welly.

    When were you there last in Wellington? Maybe you are blogging from there right now.
    Also have you been to these cool locations before?

    Don't forget to comment back with me to receive more points. The more comments you make and give the more points you receive for the SLJ.

    Keep it up.


  2. Hi Clare,

    Thanks for the comment. I was last in wellington 8 years ago when i was 3. I haven't been to these locations but my mum said she will take me there one day when we go on holiday there.


  3. Kia ora Toe'umu,

    Wow, I am amazed at the detail and effort you have put into this post. I really like how you have included a photo of all the activities you chose to include in your list. I think Wellington is a beautiful city and you are lucky to have a connection with the place. Do you often go back to visit the city? I wish we were closer to Wellington as I would love to visit the exhibition at Te Papa Museum of the Gallipoli War. I have heard people raving about it saying it is a must see exhibition. Have you had the opportunity to visit any of these places?

    Thank you so much for sharing an incredible post with your fellow bloggers. I was so amazed that I have shared a link to your post on my google plus account for other people interested in the Summer Learning Journey can view. Feel free to take a look here:

    Keep up the outstanding work. Have a lovely day,
    Megan :)

    1. Hi Megan,

      Thanks for the comment Megan. Thanks for sharing my post on your google plus account. No i haven't been back to wellington since i moved to Auckland when i was 3 years old. But i hope i go there soon so i can meet my family there. Thanks again for the comment Megan.


  4. Hi Toe'umu. Wow! I'm so impressed and proud with the effort you've put into the Summer Learning Journey. Keep it up! I loved Wellington when I was there. I went to all the places you mentioned. My favourite place was Te Papa but I wish they had lego there when I was there! Have you been there?

    1. Hi Mr Margetts,

      Thanks for the comment. No i haven't been there because the last time i was there i was 3 years old, but i hope i go there in the future. Thanks again for the comment Mr Margetts.


  5. Kia Ora Toe’umu,

    Cadence here from the Summer Learning Journey team!

    Fantastic! You have gone above and beyond with this post! Wellington happens to be my hometown too! The best little city in New Zealand I reckon!

    Your blog readers with enjoying hearing about all the awesome thing you can do in Wellington. My favourite thing to do in Wellington is explore all the beautiful walking tracks there are. Whichever one you take, you will get a stunning view at the end of the track! Including the view from Mt Victoria!

    Keep up the great work. I can’t wait to read more of your blog posts!

    Cadence :)

    1. Good afternoon Cadence,

      Thanks for the comment Cadence. It is cool that your hometown is wellington too like me. Have you been to any of the places in wellington. Thanks again for the comment Cadence.



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