
Wednesday 3 January 2018

Day 5:Bonus activity#earn the fern

On your blog, write four questions that you would ask Bill Kini.

Question one- How can you be able to play two play two sports a time?

Question two- How did you start playing boxing?

Question three- who inspired you to play boxing?

Question four- When did you start playing boxing?


  1. Hey Toe’umu,

    I love your question about who inspired him to start boxing, maybe he had a role model he looked up to.. Maybe next time you could ask some questions about where he trained for boxing and who his coach might’ve been. Do you know where Bill Kini trained as a boxer? Perhaps you could do a little research.

    I find Bill Kini amazing and I love his dedication and passion for both boxing and rugby. If I could ask him a question I would ask him; Who is your role model and why? It might help answer your question about who inspired him to start boxing.

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i,


  2. Hi Cia,

    Thanks for the comment. I don't know where he trained while he was a boxer but i will search it up. Also thanks again for commenting on my blog Cia.



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