
Monday, 14 January 2019

Week 1: a place to stand, Day 3: Awsome animals, Activity 2: The secretive skink

Day 3: Awsome animals, Activity 2: The secretive skink

On your blog list three pros (good things) and three cons (bad things) about working as a DOC ranger. At the bottom of your post, tell us whether you would like to be a DOC Ranger or not.

You are helping them. You are not stuck inside all day. You get to learn about animals.

 You are away from your family. You could possibly get bitten by an insect or animal. Also you could get sun burnt.

Why i don't wanna be a doc ranger:
I would not want to be a doc ranger because, i don't wanna stay away from my family And i'm not a outdoor type of person. 

                                                              Credit: doc ranger animal


  1. Hey Toeumu,Its Araura from Room 4 i really like your reasons on why you would want to work as a DOC ranger and not work as a DOC ranger.
    That would be fun to learn about animals.

    Maybe next time you could have added a bit more pictures anyways Keep up the good work.

    Blog you later..Bye

  2. Kia Orana Toe'umu,

    I can tell you've thought really carefully about what it takes to be a DOC Ranger, your pros and cons are very detailed and fair. Perhaps next time you could include some pictures of the locations DOC Rangers work, to really help people understand what kind of environment they'd be working in as a Ranger.

    I agree that it would very hard to be away from family, especially if you are very close. Personally, I wouldn't want to be a DOC Ranger because it just isn't my passion in life. This doesn't mean I don't care for the survival and conservation of animals, because I can always help in lots of different ways like donating or even volunteering. Can you think of any other ways to help out?

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,



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